Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

BLU 15th Anniversary, and Rooftops III Municipal Wireless

Date and Time

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm


MIT Building E-51, Room 315
Brian DeLacey - CryptographicHistory gmail com
Rabeeh Khoury , Marvell Technology Group
Kurt Keville , Thaumaturgical Engineer , MIT Clinical Research Center - kkeville alum mit edu


A discussion of the 802.11s (Mesh) standard and embedded Linux


Today is the 15th anniversary of BLU; we held our first user group meeting in June of 1994. Marvell Technology Group is sponsoring tonight's meeting, including plenty of soda, pizza, and a BLU 15th Birthday cake. Note that Marvell is also supplying the very popular SheevaPlugs. Kurt Keville, Brian DeLacey and others discuss the 802.11s (Mesh) standard and what it means for embedded Linux distros such as OpenWRT and Robix, the distros of choice for the upcoming local Muniwireless rollouts. Kurt gave earlier talks on Muniwireless at our February 2008 and August 2006 meetings Pre: meeting - room 063 Brian and Kurt will be holding an all-afternoon pre-meeting, beginning at noon in E51-063. This afternoon session will build a multi-node solar-powered super computer as a clustered web-server using fast flash and Marvell's SheevaPlugs. Rabeeh Khoury of Marvell will be onsite for lots of Linux and SheevaPlug Q&A. Sage Radachowsky will be showcasing his latest solar circuitry. The working SWARM system will be demonstrated at the main meeting, but anyone is welcome to drop by and pick up a soldering iron or keyboard to work with earlier in the day.


  1. Marvell Technology Group home page

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